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Join us at the 2024 Midwest Acquirers Association (MWAA) Conference.

Written by Ryan Gibbons | Jul 18, 2024

July is often called the hottest month. Chicago is often called the “Windy City.” Add MWAA to the mix, and you’ve got the hottest midwest payment event of the summer. Join us July 23-25 for the 2024 Midwest Acquirers Association Conference.

MWAA Background.

The MWAA was founded on the belief that it is important to educate payment professionals, — ISOs, MSPs, and financial institutions — on ever-evolving information relevant to the payments and acquirer industries. It’s their commitment to keep concerned folks informed by involving all aspects of the professional community. 

As they state in their mission, MWAA aims to “provide a regional opportunity for training, education, and networking in the Midwest acquiring community. We provide a forum for the discussion of issues related to the payments industry.”

MWAA is a nonprofit, no-membership, independent forum dedicated to hard-working professionals like you.

Conference details and agenda.

They’re packing a lot into these three days. Here’s what’s going to be blowing in the Windy City.

Tuesday, July 23.

Acquirers arrive, assemble, and scope out their hotel rooms. The big event this day is an Entrepreneurs Executive Forum that is invitation-only.

Wednesday, July 24.

The morning hours will see exhibitors setting up their booths as well as an invite-only MLS Forum.

Here are some other key activities for the day.

  • Opening remarks and the official welcome address from MWAA President Rod Katzfey.
  • A warm and fuzzy keynote address from UGG boots founder Brian Smith.
  • The Industry Achievement Award presentation ceremony.
  • An opening reception event, followed by an after-hours party.

Thursday, July 25.

Things kick off — as any great day should — with breakfast, followed by the opening of the exhibit hall and a full slate of sessions.

  • “AI / Big Data” is the first panel discussion and will be moderated by Genevieve Dozier, founder of Warpaint Consulting, along with empaneled input from Union CEO Alex Broeker; Sebastian Bulles, co-founder and CEO of Arcum; and Under CEO and co-founder Jeff Shea.
  • Panel 2: “Marketing Your Personal Brand” will be moderated by Bill Treciak, CEO and founder of SimpFee and EDPS. Expert insight will be supplied by Joseph Daly, President of Argyle Payments; Swoop Finance CEO George Csahiouni; and SURV Payments CEO Keith Sampson.
  • Panel 3: “Regulatory Trends — Opportunities for Your Bottom Line” will be moderated by David Morris, Principal Analyst for Emarketer, alongside panelists Ken Musante, President and founder of Napa Payments and Consulting; Netevia CEO Vlad Sadovskiy; and Peter Tapling, Managing Director at PTap Advisory, LLC.
  • The final panel of the day: “B2B Payments and Embedded Finance” will be moderated by James Shepherd, CEO at CCSalesPro. The panel will also include Tedd Huff, Principal Consultant at Voalyre; Payarc CEO Zachary Martinez; and GrailPay CEO Will Messina.
  • This final MWAA day concludes with a closing reception and a Passport Challenge Drawing.

Find us at the 2024 MWAA Conference.

With all the exciting things going on at this year’s conference, we have to say, our biggest motivator is getting to meet folks like you.

You can find our friendly faces at Booth #29, and don’t forget to say hello to our Business Development Directors Mark Hayes, Chris Williams, and Marshall McCulloch —  they’re waiting to shake your hands and share their payment expertise.

If you need more information about the conference, stop by the organization’s official site.